Are you ready to feel the best version of yourself?

Today you may have undergone a treatment which a tiny amount of muscle relaxing protein has been injected into the muscles to improve appearance. It will usually take between 3-10 days to start seeing any muscle relaxing effects and 14 days until the full effect has been reached.

What's normal after procedure?
Treatments take 14 days to fully work and it lasts 3-6 months on average. Injections can cause small amounts of swelling, a temporary bump, redness, bruising, a mild - moderate headache and a sensation such as tingling or mild itching after a treatment. These effects are so common they can be considered a normal part of the process. The initial effects will show in the first 2-5 days. Peak effects on the muscle is at 14 days, but the results will continue to improve for 4 weeks or more. The benefits start to wear off between 3 - 6 months on average. 

How to protect your results and reduce side effects?
- Remain upright for 4 hours
- Do small extra contractions of the muscles treated every 20 minutes for the first hour 
- When cleansing avoid pressure and use gentle strokes away from the eyes 
- Avoid facial massages or electrical stimulation of the face for the next two weeks
- Avoid wearing tight caps or garments in the area that has been injected 
- Avoid exposure to UV and extreme heat i.e sauna, steam, sun beds, very hot showers, strenuous exercise etc for 2 weeks to reduce the chance of infection 
- Do not apply makeup for approximately 6 hours unless its mineral based 
- Wash your hands immediately post procedure 
- Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours after your procedure 
- Do not touch your face in the areas injected for 6 hours

When to contact:
If you develop a side effect such as a dry eye, droopy eyelid, heavy brow
- Any other side you think is important 
- If you feel distressed or worried in anyway
- Routine adjustments can be carried out from day 14 after your procedure